Providing a safe haven for victims of elder abuse who need respite from a confirmed abusive situation and require skilled nursing level care.

The shelter option is for victims of elder abuse who:

  • Are age 60 or older.

  • Need respite from a confirmed abusive situation.

  • Have a PRI that confirms level of care need.

  • Referred by a hospital or CHHA.

The “shelter” is a short-term (14-30 day) emergency bed at participating nursing homes. Beds are available for victims living in Monroe and contiguous counties.

The shelter option is NOT available for self-neglecting homeless, mentally ill or addicted older adults. It also cannot be utilized for older adults lacking capacity unless an agent/proxy or guardian can be established.

We will work with your hospital/agency to arrange for patient transfer.
We will meet the patient at the hospital. If a referral is from a CHHA, we will do a home visit in conjunction with the nurse or social worker.

Payment for a shelter stay is dependent on a client’s circumstances.

We will follow-up with you and the patient’s PCP about the outcome of the shelter stay. Note that victims can leave AMA.

The shelter service is a collaborative effort of Lifespan, Episcopal SeniorLife Communities, The Friendly Home, Hurlbut Care Communities, the Jewish Home, Monroe County Adult Protective Services, Monroe County Office for the Aging, St. Ann’s Home, and St. John’s Home.

Call Lifespan at 585-244-8400.